HCPs Perspective on Continuing Medical Education

A recent survey revealed an interesting take on Continuing Medical Education (CME) from the healthcare provider’s (HCP) point of view. [i] The overall result showcased that the HCPs showed more interest in attending a live CME conference when compared to other forms of CME courses like journals, online conferences, podcasts, and webinars. According to the survey, CME/CE activities provided more in-depth knowledge to HCPs than any other form of information. HCPs reported an overall improvement in patient care, practice management, and reduced cost of care administration as a result of attending CME/CE medical conferences . The data also highlighted the fact that live CME medical events offered a better learning format by presenting information that was applicable to the HCP’s practice, as well as an opportunity to engage with other professionals, faculty members, peers, and leaders, which was more beneficial to them in long run. HCPs preferred live CME conferences to ...