Upcoming CME Conferences in India

Are you planning to attend your next medical conference in India? Have you checked out the eMedEvents website for the latest list of upcoming conferences pertaining to your specialty? If not, then just click here . According to the eMedEvents database, a total of 53 CME medical conferences are scheduled for 2018-2019 in India. 57 different specialties will be covered in 57 cities. Those who specialize in Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes can find 5 upcoming conferences in 4 cities. Some of these conferences are also for medical students and offer tickets at discounted prices. A few of these CME conferences have early bird registrations offers too, but they may also charge more for late registrations as well as an onsite registration fee. So, you should try to book in advance to avoid paying extra. These medical conferences are targeting a wide variety of healthcare professionals and cover patient care, practicing frameworks, new clinical trial...