The Global Impact of CME on Physicians and Scope of CME Events.

Continuing Medical Education as mainstay for HCPs:

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is provided to facilitate the successful performance of healthcare practitioners in their diverse practice of medicine. Many practitioners are required to earn CME credits to maintain their licensure and also to gain credentialing and membership into prestigious professional societies.  CME appears to be effective for continuous acquisition and retention of scientific innovations, knowledge & skills and research based clinical outcomes. 58 percent of physicians showed that CME has improved their medical practice performance across activities like drug prescribing, patient screening, counseling, and guideline adherence. There are CME events designed to meet all different needs of healthcare providers such as upgrading their skills, learning new technologies, and addressing the ever-changing patient consulting needs. There are currently nearly 1,900 accredited organizations providing CME. 94 percent of doctors have attended accredited CME events in the USA.

Evaluation of CME Credits and CME Providers:

The ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) was founded in 1981 to provide a self-regulatory process for the accreditation of institutions that provide continuing medical education and develop rigorous standards to ensure that CME activities across the country are independent, free from commercial bias, based on valid content, and effective in meeting physicians’ learning and practice needs.

The Survey On CME Concludes The Need for Quality Education:

The Survey on CME in recent times states that patients have increased their personal healthcare knowledge because of information provided by the internet. Thus, there is even more of an urgent need for physicians to satisfy their patients by providing the most up-to-date medical information. Medical conferences and CME events are also important to introduce and train providers on the usage of the latest medical technology and equipment.

The following Info-graphic gives information on the global impact of CME events on physicians.

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