Study Habits for Medical Students

Study Habits for Medical Students

Developing great study habits early helps you in the long run.  This is especially true for a medical student. It will improve your learning curve, your grades, and help you ultimately be a better physician.

All too often students leave studying to the last minute and attempt to cram it all into a short period of time.  This strategy may work for the short term, but you are sure to forget it in the long term.  The goal for any medical student should be long-term learning.  If this is your goal, then we have some suggestions to help you.

Don’t focus just on simple tricks to make the grade, instead work to make great, long-term study a habit.

We recommend the following three studying habits:

three studying habits

Design your study zone: It is essential to have a dedicated space at your house or the library for studying. This place should eliminate all forms of distractions, provide ample space for your books, laptop, notes, and other materials for your study, and have the right amount of lighting.

Before you design your study zone, it helps to understand your unique learning style. For example, if you are an auditory learner, then create a space that can incorporate this. Some students prefer background noise or music to help them to concentrate.  Others listen to audio books or record lectures to listen to again.   

Some students prefer to have food as a reward for productive study time. They assign their favorite food to each topic, then on completion, they reward themselves with that particular food.

An ideal place will be perfectly suited to your learning style and help boost your concentration so you can make the most of your study time. 

Create a circle of mentors: Many medical schools offer mentoring programs which connect younger students to faculty members or senior students to help them achieve their goals and support them through the ups and downs of medical school. These programs enable students to attain invaluable information and advice.  Faculty members can suggest books and notes that can help you improve your weak points and mentors can help you choose the right residency programs.  Receiving support from someone who has walked in your shoes will certainly help you be a more successful medical student.

Time for yourself: Medical school is often all-consuming and highly stressful. Students often neglect self-care and are prone to illness, tiredness, body pains, depression, and procrastination. It is essential to make time to care for yourself.  Each day plan to sleep for at least 8 hours, eat healthy meals, and work out.  Have a strict schedule for waking up, drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day, and be sure to nurture your relationships with friends and family.  Finding that balance between a career and personal life is essential.  Make this a habit during medical school and keep it throughout your life.

Often medical students experience burnout. Therefore, we also suggest you read our blog post on “Identifying Burnout in Medical Students.”

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