Top 5 Websites for Medical Students

Top 5 Websites for Medical Students

Life for a medical student is certainly hectic, so they need to access information with the quick click of a button. At eMedEvents, we have created a list of useful websites just for medical students. This site allows you to access journals, articles, academic literature, and the latest news in the medical field. You can read nearly 50 articles per day related to your specific specialty and subspecialty. Once you register on the website, you can access over 1200 journals for free.

Student Doctor: A non-profit education website created by medical students and residents that gives you access to articles, student forums, interviews, reference material and even lets you connect with tutors to help you with your subjects.

American MedicalStudent Association (AMSA): This is one of the oldest medical student associations in America. It will help you connect with your peers and give you access to essential topics such as job searches and exam preparation. This website will guide you to create your resume according to the industry standards and give you tips on what keywords to use in your resume.

eMedEvents: eMedEvents is the world’s largest CME conference listing website. Here, you can access conferences based on speaker, specialty, and location. It has over 210 specialties spread across 149 countries. You can choose live, webcast, and even cruise conferences depending upon your need.

If you would like to know more about eMedEvents, visit our website at

eMedEvents is the largest online database for CME events and medical conferences around the world. Here you can browse through thousands of conferences in 147 countries. Search by Speaker, Specialty, and Location to find your next conference. Want to manage your CME on the go? Try the eMedEvents mobile app. Find your next great medical conference in one of more than 3500 great cities around the world.


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